Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010

undefined undefined, undefined ISLAM Jama'ah - LEMKARI - LDII

Posted by Robin Andespa
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Jama'ah Islam is a name JAMA; ah splinter very identical to the Khawarij. This group of its facilities in Indonesia (especially the town of Kediri - East Java) and almost no sound namannya outside Indonesia, even though they claim to them that this has jama'ah worldwide.

Jama'ah was founded by a man called Nur Hasan Ubaidah think this confession that jama'ah there since 1941. But what he really new in bai'at in 1960.

This group was first up with the name Daarul Hadith and then passed into YPID (Djama'ah Islamic Education Foundation), and then changed LEMKARI and in 1991 changed again to LDII (Indonesian Islamic Da'wah Institute. Substitution of this in order to adjust the situation and to not discovered their tracks if you begin to arise from the public dislikes.

Following this Jama'ah Glance:

a. Simtem Pengajian

System study means manqul they called hadith studies, and the Qur'an must wear isnad. They quoted the words of Ibn Mubarak: "Isnad is part of the religion, if not then isnad anyone would say as he pleases (See Muqadimah Sahih Muslim).

In the case of the hadith, Nur Hassan claimed to have isnad Ubaidah to Imam Bukhari and other priests, was in trouble the Qur'an, he has confessed to isnad Ali Bin Abi Talib and Uthman ibn Affan ra, even to the angel Gabriel . Anyone who has isnad than isnad-Islamic isnad same Jama'ah they did not charity is legitimate and not accepted God Shubhanahu Wa Ta'ala so natural that we go to the mosque or their homes, they are always mopping our former, because they consider thaharah we are not considered illegal, so we bring unclean.

b. Jama'ah and Hadith Islam Prophet alaihi Wassalam.

According to them whether or not a saheeh hadeeth dependent on their amir. A false hadith hadeeth can be considered if they think amir hadeeth.

c. Emirate System

According to them, set up groups (Jama'ah) and berbai; at the amir is obligatory.

The arguments they use are:

1. Hadith about Iftiraq (splitting) people into 73 groups

In a hadith the Messenger of lafadz peace and blessings of Allaah explains A'laihi only one group to enter Paradise are: Al-Jama'ah

[Hadith of Iftiraqul (split people) sanadnya Saheeh narrated from the road quite a lot. According to Shaykh Al-Albani was 7 road (see Ash-Saheehah no. 204). Hence Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said in Majmoo 'Fataawa Juz III/345. "Hadith Sahih and Masyhur" as well as Imam al-Hakim in al-Juz Mustadrak I/151' this hadith much the way ".
The Al-Jama'ah lafadz narrated by Abu Dawood (4597) Ahmad (4 / 102 no. 16876th), Al-'Ajuri in "Ash-Shariah" no. 19 and Ibn Abi 'Ashim in "As-Sunnah no. 65". Validated Al-Albani in "As-Saheehah no. 204" of the road and narrated Mu'aawiyah Ibn Majah no. 3993 and Ibn Abi 'Ashim no. 64.Dan validated Al-Albani from road Anas Bin Malik].
According to them, which meant by the prophet peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him is jama'ah them.

2. According to a hadith narrated by Imam they Ahmad but it did not exist, the Hadith:

"There Tdak Islam except with jama'ah and no jama'ah except with the amir and amir no exception with baiat".

The truth, this is saying Khathab Bin Umar narrated by Imam al-Daarimi with Dhoif isnaad. In sanadnya there Majhul transmitters and Infirm (See: Fataawa Genealogy Syar'iyyah no. 38 by Shaykh Abul Hasan Al-Sulaimani).

3. Surat Al-Isra 'verse 71

"On the day we call each person with his priest (good record book). So who is brought in from the right, they read his book and they do not hurt at all"

According to them, on the Day of Resurrection, every person will be called with his priest, the amirnya. He who does not have the emir he will gather together at the infidels.

The members are devout Muslims rerhadap Jama'ah the proposition letters amirnya An-Nisaa verse 59: "... O you who believe you Obey Allah and obey the Messenger and ulil Amri of you"

According to them, is called the faithful obedience to God if Shubhanahu Wa Ta'ala, the Prophet peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, and their amir. So God commands Shubhanahu Wa Ta'ala commands the same as the Prophet peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, and together with the command of their amir. Even if they do disobedience to Allah Ta'ala Wa Shubhanahu be forgiven simply by beristigfar, but if guilty to the emir is not enough to beristigfar, but also to make a statement with repentance (which it is tasabbuh with Christians Catholic) and pay the prescribed expiation of their amir tastes.

d. Economy

Course of events and the committee amir jama'ah they are obliged to draw shodaqoh from each of its members a percentage of income. Big sadaqah mandatory (which is more suitable tax called) is changed, the fox in accordance with the amir's decision and each member is not as much.

e. Against Pengkafiran people outside Jama'ah They

Please note that the types of their members are generally divided into two, namely, Fanatic (is hard without tolerance) and moderate (there is little tolerance for people outside their Jama'ah).

This usually moderate new members who they deem as Muallaf. They still want to pray with people outside their jama'ah but in time they will also be equal to the fanatics. As for the fanatics, merea think all the people outside their group are infidels, so they do not want to pray at the mosque priestly or people outside their jama'ah. In fact, they may take the property of their origin outside jama'ah not endanger them.

f. Aqidah They

According to those who commit major sins in hell is eternal. And those who do not allegiance of their priests are considered infidels and unclean. In addition they have an identical aqidah taqiyahnya Shi'ite men.

They named Fathonah, Bithonah, Budi Luhur because God is lying for the sake bolehnya Jama; ah them. They quoted a story berbohongnya As Prophet Ibrahim when he said: "That the great statue that destroyed the small statues that".

g. They Doctrine Doctrine System

Powers doctrine teacher anymore on the 354 system are:

3 = Jama'ah, the Qur'an and Hadith

5 = Program five chapters, contains the promise - oath bai; at to the emir, namely: the Koran, mengamal, defend, and obey jama'ah continued amir.

4 = The rope binding of the Faith; Thanks to Amir, amir glorify, and earnestly pray.

[In a brief nukil from tape "Fallacy of Islamic Jema'ah Rifa'i by Ustadz Hashim (he was formerly a member of the Islamic Jema'ah) and from the book Islamic Danger Jama'ah, LDII LEMKARI and (their group name changing, with the assumption them that the name of the group is only 'clothes' are replaceable-pen]

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