Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010

Islamic danger Jamaah LEMKARI / LDII - 1

Islamic danger Jamaah LEMKARI / LDII
By sangmurid
They are Insaf and Exit of LDII (we demonstrated just five people, the danger comes from the book of Islam Jamaah LEMKARI / LDII)
K.H. Achmad Subroto
He is a mini boarding school nurse is Al-Fatah with students 20 people, in the village of Banjarmasin, Kec. Buduran, 5 km from the town of Sidoarjo, East Java. Learning the Qur'an and hadith Nurhasan first time through Al-Ubaydah, and within 6 months has become a cadre.
At one point she asked the problem to Nurhasan Al-Ubaidah: "Why have Nurhasan kok malah emir gave the example of actions contrary to Shari'ah, the obscene jokes and talked with a woman?" Nurhasan so furiously, then later: "I was told to repent 50 days 50 nights, and are prohibited during the following pengajiannya and bai'at longer required. "Shortly after the incident, Subroto out and realized.
Rina Wien Kusdiani
He was involved Islam Jama'ah / LDII in the year 1977 when a friend came to introduce the study to him. "I was very eager to learn the religion. How come my temen, and good teaching, "said Rina.
But after a moment later he felt like he says, "there's something wrong in my teaching this hug." Tutur Rina who's glasses: for example, about emirates that he thinks like a papal (Roman Catholic), is also forcing tax and 10% pengafiran to others who do not sealiran. Blake claimed to have 2 times facing the priest who he thought was dumb Nurhasan that, in the Islamic complex Jema'ah / LDII in Karawang. The silence that occurred after Nurhasan Malang events: he dipermak there, with science ghoib all, due to run pretty girl cousins CPM to Garut (TEMPO, 15 September 1979). Rina commented, "I see people looking a little ass." Rina is also claimed to have intimidated when out of this cult. "But I'm not afraid." His confidence is now: "We now have open, and the search for truth must go through a fair process."
Bambang Permono
In 1977 he converted to Islam Jama'ah / LDII and dibai'at the same year. He came out of this cult because some regulations made emir was no longer possible acceptance: at that time should not be listening to the radio, watch TV, read newspapers, magazines and others. Maybe now the rules have changed with the software. In 1979 he was going out after a busy-busy event Jama'ah Islam. When he led a mosque in Cempaka, he was not far from the mosque near the house of Benjamin that was raided in Kemayoran people (TEMPO, 15 September 1979). Well, Bambang time to meet the amir to ask for opinion: how the way out if the action spread to the Cempaka. "How to hide priests. Their nose is not visible. And it was not yet a big problem. So what if a more serious happened? "Bambang conclusions: board not responsible. "The world can not vouch for much less in the hereafter."
Debby Nasution
Celebrities, music lovers and incorporated in the group Achmad Albar, God Bless this, including the Islamic militant labor Jama'ah / LDII. Most of its activities, ranging from Jema'ah he converted to Islam since the age of 18 years, intended to teach. Debby arguably the golden boy and was admitted Ubaidah.
After all, he rebelled. The main issue he discussed later ditentangkan on amirnya, is about emirates and bai'at in Islam. But why not long ago? "Once the young blood," he said. Then Debby to teach to other ustadz ustadz, and finally found a falsehood-falsehood hadith stuffed so far. Violent Islam is trait Jama'ah. Who are not cursed to Islam Jama'ah called pigs, dogs, are common. According to Debby, "What is so moral of Allah?" And the words were spoken at the mosque!
Bambang Irawan bin Hafiludin
He is the second person after Nurhasan Ubaidah Lubis. Even had become law. 15 child's birth father Pamekasan Madura admitted, since the age of 20 years was sympathetic to this genre which was then still called Darul Hadith. So Nurhasan Ubaidah strong influence, according to Bambang, to the extent that people are willing to swallow his saliva. "Thank God, I'm not up to doing that," he said. The way people were yawning, and then spit mouth Ubaidah. It is said to be easy to find knowledge.
The process of consciousness arising after going to Mecca in 1974. In Mecca, he and his entourage are not only made the pilgrimage, but also learn to deepen the Qur'an and hadith to some scholars. Saudi Arabia's efforts in the Darul Hadith get credit. But when told how to practice, the cleric Sheikh Abdul Aziz even indignation. "It's called job liars," said the Saudi cleric's. Bambang said the official out of this cult early December 1982. Bambang said that the power of this cult terrace is generally great, high spirits can read the book. Unfortunately they are still in biusan liars Madigol.

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