Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010

Islamic Propagation INDONESIA INSTITUTE (LDII): Still Not Changed

Still Not Changed

By: M. Amin Djamaluddin
(MUI Center Board, Chairman of the Institute for Research and
Assessment Islam / LPPI)

Republika daily, the day Sunday (21/1/2007) broadcasts
news about the warnings of Islamic new year 1428
Hijri, where the figures LDII, MUI and together BKMT
event held in Jakarta. With a bit long,
Republika quoted the head of LDII Jakarta.
This paper does not question the statement of chairman LDII
Jakarta is, but merely intended to give
explain to Muslims, what LDII (Lembaga Da'wah
Islam Indonesia) and how his teachings,
based on the latest documents that they
out. For me, listening Republika news
such, could give the impression, that as if
there is no fundamental difference between LDII with
other Islamic organizations.

The most important issue that needs to be understood in the teachings
LDII the doctrines of the kejamaahan
very tight, so that differentiate it from
organization, the Islamic organization. For example, in
a diktat LDII publication entitled "Paper
2004 "published paper entitled" Enforcement of Bener Kurub
Promises In Practice Work Relationship Between Entrepreneur
with employees in the Environmental Jama'ah ". Written in
Here the description of "strong Jama'ah Kefahaman",
(quoted exactly the same dengann original text), namely:

(1) faham if the honor is guaranteed jama'ah
mandatory and must go to heaven, and if not
berjama'ah (firqoh) is mandatory and must go to hell. "
(2) schools of that to fulfill meaning charity jama'ah
legitimate worship accepted by Alloh with no
berjama'ah (berfirqoh) deeds invalid and rejected
by Alloh even put into hell. "(3)
"Schools of that honor is honor berjama'ah
obligations of Islam as fulfill obligations
prayer, fasting, zakat, hajj for a capable and well
with berjama'ah life becomes lawful. "In
description of the three points are described: "With
has a strong kefahaman that fulfill Jama'ah
means fulfill the obligation of worship as prayer,
fasting, zakat, and pilgrimage, then we will try to
keeping in Jama'ah and fear out of
Jama'ah. Because if it is separated from the Jama'ah means
as well as the prayer is not, then do not Islam. "
(pp. 63-65).

In the description of "our steps to be
kefahaman reached Jama'ah strong in the
the way ", among others: (d)" Surrender and Ridlo
of ijtihad is not immoral priests and
deliberations. "Written in the description as
follows: "In order for us to give up and Ridlo against
ijtihad priest who is not immoral, then we should be able
ketho'atan to understand the essence of the priest. While
to understand ketho'atan to the priest, then we must
see ketho'atan with the Quran and kecamata
Jama'ah hadith and not merely lust goggles.
Because we are the priests kethoatan essentially
in order mentho'ati Alloh orders and orders
Rosul. Thus, in mentho'ati priests,
we no longer see who his priest, but
we better understand to see what the essence of
priest's orders, what is not immoral. "(p. 67).

In a book titled "Jewels 2005" which contains writings
entitled "necessity Amar Ma'ruf Nahi Munkar and
Tips-tricks "is written:" It is we understand it and we
believe together that Islam is based on the Koran and
Hadith and shaped our Jama'ah but during
This is a haq religion, religion is accepted by
Alloh and certain guaranteed paradise. So Qur'an Hadith
Jama'ah with all of this must kefalolannya
maintained must remain alive, still growing with
fertile, should not be destroyed, should not be extinct. For
Qur'an Hadith if this Jama'ah to extinction, then
tertutuplah way to enter heaven and saved from
Hell. "

Also written in this book:
"Although we've jama'ah so much and
developed, but when compared with
people who have not turned out the number of jama'ah jama'ah
we are still very, very little. This means that the field
amar ma'ruf nahi evil is still very wide. Many
among us, his family, even her parents
not want to Qur'an Hadith insyof Jama'ah.
Described there was a fire in the parents room
the fire almost harm them, while the
children in the next room inside one
home. What should be done by the child
of both parents in these circumstances?
Does he have the heart to let his parents engulfed
fire? Of course not. Similarly, we can not bear to see
countrymen brothers and compatriots who have not
want in the Quran Hadith inshof Jama'ah, they have
Fire approaches the heat 70 times as much
than the heat of the fire world. For that amar ma'ruf
nahi evil must be implemented and improved to
save them from hell fire.''(p. 62).

Written also:
''And if in the evil ma'ruf nahi amar
face shear, insults, ridicule, etc.
of the infidels, it was proper, it was
Naturally. Because including haq religious characteristics are
a barrier and shear ... With
obstacles and the shift is even fertilizer
faith and our beliefs, we are increasing steadily and
sure it Jama'ah Qur'an Hadith that we bring
really haq religion, legitimate and acceptable
Alloh.''(Pp. 68-69).

It should be noted here, that LDII have guidelines
Quran Hadith Jamaah, which is different with Muslims
in general, especially in matters of honor and narrators
hadith and understanding. Muslims in general,
from the congregation or any other school, has a manual
al-Quran and Hadith of the Prophet the same.

About the founder of Islam who later incarnated Jamaa'ah
be LDII, namely KH Hasan Nur al-Ubaidah, written
in a paper circular dated July 23, 2003, which
entitled''History Teachers Mr. KH. Nur Hasan
Al-Ubaidah Lubis kefadolan Along with his Kefadolan-",
as follows: "Mr. KH Nur Hasan al-Ubaidah (late)
diqodar by Alloh as carriers thoriqun
Najah / way of salvation to heaven, and the coincidence
we are getting the guidance .. If the language expert
Bp hadith KH Nur Hasan Al-Ubaidah (late) dubbed
as Al-mujaddid / Al-Muhaqqiq the people who
renew the truth / people who justify the
wrong. "

LDII In a paper titled "Collection Description
Regulation of Religion (summarized From 1994 until
by 2002) "is described, for example, on 20 points
expiation issues, namely (a) Onani, charity Salih
center or 1-month money USD 2.000/hari --- (Rp 60,000),
(b) Sempetan / mairil; charitable Central Salih 3 months or
money USD 2.000/hari - (USD 180,000), October 1995. (c)
Abortion, Salih charity at the center 6 months or money USD
2.000/hari - (USD 360,000).

In the 31 points mentioned: "Jama'ah-jama'ah who want
Talaq 3 (three) should permit center kebapak priests. And
if too much emotion, and immediately dropped Talaq
3 with a priest father unauthorized centers, then the law
Talaq is still valid, but false / wrong / sin
because they do not permit it. (February 2001). "

In a publication titled "Paper 2006" section
"Inspiration of the Qur'an and Hadith Jama'ah"
written: "As a servant who has received Alloh
guidance abide by the haq islam religion based
Qur'an Hadith Jama'ah form must be able to realize
kesyukurannya to Alloh, because of the guidance can
abide by the Islamic religion in the form of the Qur'an and Hadith
Jama'ah not given to everyone but
specific to the beloved servant (the desired
Alloh). "(P. 65).
In the handbook entitled "Duties and Liabilities,
Four Financial Organization and the Team of Seven "
Regional publications Karanganyar West, in 2005, about
"Fundamental Understanding of Kyai / Leader" is mentioned:
"As people who bear the responsibility mandate from
Alloh, Rosul, Imam (ARI). The priest's advice to the pilgrims
December '93 was for the priests so that the mandate
(ARI) is doing his best cooking skills pol
so nothing wrong in Alloh side. "(p. 1).

Still in the same book published "Written Advice
Priest To Jamaah (Command) "on infaq fi
Sabilillah, for the provision starting in January 2002.
That Jamaah who got so infaq fi rizqi
Sabilillah with heart because Alloh least as
following: (a). Rp 7.500.000-USD 15,000,000: 2.5 percent,
(b)-USD 15,000,001 USD 22,500,000: 5 percent, (c) USD
22,500,001 - 30,000,000 USD: 7.5 percent, and (d) USD
30,000,001 and over: 10 percent.

So, hopefully a very brief explanation of this
can provide an adequate picture of what actually
important teachings of different LDII with people
Islam in general. Hopefully this explanation is useful,
within the framework of our efforts to always be there
straight path (al-Mustaqim shirat). Amen. (Jakarta,
January 21, 2007).
Source: milist INSISTS (posted by Mas Adian Husaini, MA)

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