Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010


Monday, 2009 August 31
باب إمامة المفتون والمبتدع وقال الحسن صل وعليه بدعته
And said Hasan (ibn 'Ali) "and kebid'ahan you sholatlah hard for him"
654 - عن عبيد الله بن عدي بن خيار أنه دخل على عثمان بن عفان رضي الله عنه وهو محصور فقال إنك إمام عامة ونزل بك ما نرى ويصلي لنا إمام فتنة ونتحرج فقال الصلاة أحسن ما يعمل الناس فإذا أحسن الناس فأحسن معهم وإذا أساءوا فاجتنب إساءتهم * رواه البخاري
From 'Ubaidan bin' bin khiyar ady fact he went home 'Uthman ibn' Affan rodhiallohu 'anhu, when it was under house arrest, then' ubaidullah said "behold, you are a priest General / JAMA 'ah / a'dhom, has happened to you like what we see (under house arrest) and we will pray behind the imam of slander and we feel guilty, then Uthman said "Prayer is the best human deeds done, so if people do good, then you do good with them, and if they do evil, then you jahuilah their ugliness ".
Here we Brief Fathu Sharh Al-Bary, by eliminating the discussion of chains of transmission and the discussion of language to be more focused on the benefits of hadith above;
Chapter imam (prayer) which terfitnah mean, people go into the slander and revolt against the priest (who legally-Pent), and the perpetrators of heresy, he means people who believe something of what menyelisihi ahlu As-Sunnah wa al-congregational .
The words of Imam slander, defamation of leaders, disputed about the purpose of these slanderous statements priest, said he was abdurohman bin 'udais al-balwy, one of those leaders who boycotted the Egyptian Uthman, ibn al-jauzy adding "the real one Kinana bin Bishr one of their leaders led prayers are also human beings. At that time (the boycott of Caliph 'Uthman) the companions praying with the rebels, including ash umamah ibn Sahl ibn al-hanif anshory,' Ali ibn abi tholib, in the book "chronicle of Baghdad" is mentioned in during the holiday Idul adha 'ali praying with people (the rebels who captured Uthman-Pent), as well as hunaif ibn Sahl, Abu Ayub al-anshory, Tholhah bin' Ubaidillah, and not one from the ranks orangpun the friends who referred to the priest slander (in the hadith above), to ad-dawudy said that the priest is a priest at a time when slander is slander occurrence, so that this understanding is not only special for khowarij.
To be clear we are following a brief excerpt from the book chronicle Khilafat by Imam as-Suyuti on the story of a boycott (under house arrest) and the killing of 'Uthman ibn' Affan
وفي سنة خمس وثلاثين كان مقتل عثمان
قال الزهري: ولي عثمان الخلافة اثنتي عشرة سنة يعمل ست سنين لا ينقم الناس عليه شيئا وإنه لأحب إلى قريش من عمر بن الخطاب لأن عمر كان شديدا عليهم فلما وليهم عثمان لان لهم ووصلهم ثم توانى في أمرهم واستعمل أقرباءه وأهل بيته في الست الأواخر وكتب لمروان بخمس إفريقية وأعطى أقرباءه وأهل بيته المال وتأول في ذلك الصلة التي أمر الله بها وقال إن أبا بكر وعمر تركا من ذلك ما هو لهما وإن أخذته فقسمته في أقربائي فأنكر الناس عليه ذلك أخرجه ابن سعد. الكتاب: تاريخ الخلفاء المؤلف: السيوطي 1 / 63
Caliph Uthman rodhiallohu 'anhu was killed ditahun 35Hijriah
Az-Zuhri bertaka: Uthman was the Caliph for 12 years, during six years of his reign no one can hate him, because he was favored by tribes qurays compared with umar bin khotob, because umar be hard / firm to them, but then Uthman acted soft / firm does not connect but slow in relationships settle their affairs, he also hired / made official at relatives and kuarganya in the last 6 years of his reign. He depute to Marwan bin fifth hakkan Africa region, giving property to relatives Baitul Mal and his family and he suggested that it is governed by silaturrohim Alloh, and he said: "Verily Abu Bakr and Umar did not take their rights, and I took it and I share the family-my family, then those orangpun ungrateful for his actions. narrated by Ibn Sa'd
Summary of the story:
Uthman ibn 'Abdullah ibn affan raised Saroh become governor of Egypt, but he behaved badly, then people complain that Egypt was the caliph Uthman, she began sending letters through the contents of Egypt warned the crate for the actions of Abdullah bin saroh, but Abdullah bin saroh not accept even kill people who report to the Egyptian Caliph Uthman.
After that about 700 people came to Egypt and into the medina mosque Nabawy and complained to his friends at a time when the prayer time for their evil deeds governor. Then on the recommendation of the companions, Uthman ibn Affan menggati governor urged to Egypt, and Muhammad ibn ditunjuklah fuel ash, but the 3-day trip Muhammad bin abu bakar to Egypt, then captured a black maid who claimed al-amiru servants and also mu'mini marwan bin waiter admitted hakkam and he brought a letter containing a canceled appointment of Muhammad ibn abu bakar and orders to kill them (the contents of this letter seen by the people and Anshor Muhajir).
This incident makes people hate medina Uthman ibn Affan, and make Medina a precarious situation because defamation to khalifan Uthman, they surrounded the house Uthman, Caliph Uthman admitted that servants, horses and seals the letter was his, but he swore that he never wrote a letter and never get people to write the letter, but his friends know that the letter was written Hakkam bin Marwan, but the Caliph Uthman Warman would not submit to questioning hakkam bin, this is what makes them kemaraham peak, in this uncertain rodhiallohu Uthman ' anhu was killed.
From some aqidah Jama'ah354 is not valid outside the prayer behind jama'ahnya, if already obliged to repeat the prayer, and if you can not escape intended munfarid prayer / prayer itself.
Pemutlaqkan about this issue, with the hadith They Hudzaifah berhujjah bin Yemen when asked by a friend of the prophet bin Yemen Hudaifah how about not finding the priest and the prophet replied jama'ah
فاعتزل تلك الفرق كلها ... الحديث
"Pisahilah all existing firqoh" said Jama'ah354 "What the pisahi what? The dipisahi worship them (outsiders jama'ah354)". How could insist on using Jama'ah354 hujjah to lack legal absolutize prayer absahan someone? Menyelisihi manhaj Sertamerta the Companions of the Prophet who Mulya?
The Commission remains a scientific discussion and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia fatwa which was led by Shaykh Bin Baz in a fatwa no Hudzaifah 2787 use this hadith to answer the question, Someone who lives a beristighosah Jama'ah disebuah to a non Alloh, such as protection of the experts asked qubur, then fitting when issued hujjah that unauthorized prayers behind them because they disbelieved and must migrate from their preaching except stay hujjah enforce them.
This hujjah right and fair, not a legal absolutize unauthorized prayer / obligatory prayer is repeated when bermakmum behind all Muslims who are not citizens Jama'ahnya. Itupun if jama'ahnya legitimate state, but unfortunately had a thousand things like this firqoh jama'ah has ditahdzir / warned by the Board of the Sunnah scholars.
أخرجه البخاري (3606 و 7084) و مسلم (6 / 20) و أبو عوانة (5 / 574 to 576) والطبراني في "مسند الشاميين" (ص 109 / 1) و الداني في "الفتن" (ق 4 / 1
) و ابن ماجه ببعضه (2 / 475)
Posted by ABU Hudzaifah

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