Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010

LDII Must Follow Dare congregation that Do Not Want To Change

This ya little about what the scholars LDII written in the book After the New Paradigna LDII
1. KH Ma `ruf Amin - Chairman of the Fatwa Commission of the Central Council of Ulama Indonesia

LDII Must Follow Dare congregation that Do Not Want To Change

We can tolerate differences, but can not tolerate irregularities. This deviation must be amputated. We provide opportunities to those who deviated to reconcile ilal haq. We issued a fatwa on a group of misguided if we have done in-depth investigation of the group.
LDII is one of the institutions related to the fatwa against Islamic Jama'ah, because there are Islamic principles that are considered deviant Jama'ah. The specific MUI LDII no, but if he uses the teachings of Islam Jama'ah whose principles were distorted, and he linked well with the fatwa of the Islamic heresy Jama'ah. Indeed there is a General Assembly decision MUI offensive names. In one recommendation stated that "The flow is like Ahmadiyah heretical, LDII .... . 'Sentence sounds like it. Why LDII made part of the lost? Because LDII regarded as an incarnation of Islam Jama'ah.
After that, LDII trying to leave the things that caused their error. They asked the audience to socialize MUI Center for what he called a new paradigm. This new paradigm asserts that LDII not use Islam as a basis Jama'ah, although in some there is the same doctrine, associated with the Practice, not i `tiqadiyah. They left Islam considers unclean Jema'ah as other groups. They no longer wash the spot where the prayers of others, not mengkafirkan other groups. In fact, they swear in the presence of MUI Center taqiyah that it is not. After that they made a written statement to confirm the change.
In view LDII, MUI Center is divided into two opinions. First, we accept, then we do adjustments to the area. Clarification was given nationwide, while the clarification given in the area partially. Second, there is also a very suspicious group LDII, and asked for clarification made by lower level (bottom up), a new national clarification. Thus, ar-ruju 'ilal done qaulan haq wa fi `lan (in words and actions), not just statements.
When LDII considered to ar-ilal ruju `haq, LDII regarded as entities that have done an aberration, because it is associated with the Islamic LDII Jama'ah. Along the way, LDII have a desire to return to the truth. However, there are groups of very loud, defiant, as if LDII not repent.
LDII now in the verification stage of institutional and grass roots. I see, as an institution they do not have a problem, from central administrators to local administrators have a single word. But at lower levels, the possibility is still a problem, because there LDII generation who hold to Islam Jama'ah. However, under conditions not completely can make our LDII indication that has not changed. We ask the board LDII firmness in dealing with cadres who still continued the teachings of Islam Jama'ah. The groups that do not comply must be declared is not part of LDII. So LDII no longer contaminated by these groups.
Posted by Center for Civil Institute of Islamic Studies at 8:18 PM 0 comments
2. KH Alie Yafie - People Ulama

Not Allow Any, No Research

I want to convey that it was interesting studying the development of Islam in Indonesia. Part of these developments, we must look LDII there. So we should not (point) arbitrary, without the data and facts from the findings. Because I do not have enough data, I do not want to give a verdict to LDII. So I encourage you to conduct in-depth research, a kinship, not like the police or the prosecutor who was probing.
The point is ukuwah Islamiyah. So knowing how to history, what factors influence it, and so forth. So, as scientists, we should not talk like ordinary people. It's my hope.
Posted by Center for Islamic Studies Institute Madani

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