Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010


Fib ISLAM Jama'ah / LDII
Flow Darul Hadith / Islam Jama'ah / LEMKARI / LDII (Lembaga Da'wah Islam Indonesia) made its name teaching manqul, then used as the basis for determining the legitimacy of the Islamic one. Who joined them were fabricated manqul then Islam is considered valid, was that it did not join his Islamic manqul considered invalid.
Manqul think they are, the Qur'an and the hadith must berisnad / teacher continued from now until the Prophet peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him. So the hadeeth is declared saheeh (correct / legitimate) by Imam Al-Bukhari and others, not enough according to them, still must be added to the narrator (transmitters) or isnad (kinship history) from now until the teacher told the priests that hadith. That's according to their theory.
In a "paper study Islamic group Jema'ah / LDII" Polnya entitled Manqul Science explained, "So manqul Musnad muttashil means to teach the Qur'an and hadith directly one or more students receive from one or more teachers and teacher it originally received directly from the teacher and the teacher receives from his teacher again, and so on continued continued without interruption until the collector of hadith such as al-Bukhari, Muslim, al-Nisaa'i, At-Tirimdzi, Abu Dawood, Ibn Majah and others who has written isnad-isnad they started from him-he (hadith collector) to the Messenger of Allaah Allaah be upon him. "(Manqul Science Polnya, pp. 2)
That taught the theory of Islam Jama'ah / LDII. But in practice, it turns out all the verses or hadith, both lafazhnya, meaning, and his testimony must be issued by the H. Nurhasan Ubaidah and his students are already legalized. Even wearing any enactment that a formal letter of certificate manqul Qur'an, with lay claim (claim) that our diplomas sanadnya continued until the Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, the angel Gabriel, to Lauh Mahfudh, and last up to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta ' ala.
With a claim like that, so if there are members who violate jama'ahnya, then manqulnya revoked, and considered no longer valid.
They Require a Manqul and proscribe Without Manqul
This manqul basis, according to him (Ubaidah, the founder of Islam Jama'ah today called LDII), and is written in the paper Polnya Science Manqul, among them the hadith,
من قال في كتاب الله عز وجل برأيه فأصاب فقد أخطأز (رواه أبو داود)
Meaning according to him: Whoever is saying (explain) the book of God's glory, and exalted by his opinion (in no manqul), although correct, then indeed he has one. (Abu Dawud).
That is the way they are. They put in a word trick "is not manqul" the translation of the hadith, which in honor / hadith text was no words that they make and then insert it. However, artificial words were later inserted basic foundation for manqul oblige. After compulsory manqul, then they are forbidden to teach the Qur'an and hadith without manqul with expression,
"The Koran Qur'an and hadith without manqul or ra'yi forbidden in Islam and threatened incorporated into hell. Legal means "HARAM" based on the proposition,
«من قال فى القرآن بغير علم فليتبوأ مقعده من النار». (رواه الترمذي)
"From Ibn Abbas radi anhu that the Prophet peace and blessings of Allaah be said," Anyone who read the Qur'an without knowledge (not manqul), should occupy his seat in hell. "(See, Polnya Science Manqul, pp. 5, I / 96).
Islam Jama'ah / LDII been add to the meaning of the hadith, are additional colors by Islam Jama'ah / LDII was then used as the basis for compulsory and forbidden, namely manqul and forbid requiring that without manqul.
Bira'yihi wording in the hadeeth narrated by Abu Dawood that means, with his opinion. But by the Muslims Jama'ah / LDII means, "with his opinion (in no manqul)". We need to question: Where he got the words "is not manqul" it?
Similarly, the pronunciation bighairi 'ilmin that means: without science. But the paper LDII lessons / Islam Jama'ah, bighairi 'ilmin it means, "without the science (not manqul)". We also question: Where did the words "without manqul" it?
Strangely, the words "is not manqul" and "without manqul" follow newly-invented to enforce the hadith that just translating basis for requiring manqul, and forbid not manqul.
That's the Jewish way of manipulating the revelation of God and dare justify and proscribe speech on the basis of their inventions.
Determining dared Hell
Furthermore, Islam Jama'ah / LDII more daring again to decide to go to hell for those who worship or pray silently without the knowledge manqul, with a capital of artificial words those who read "is not manqul" or "without manqul" it. Evidence that match their courage Jews, let us refer to quote verse and then translated according to Islam Jama'ah / LDII,
ولا تقف ما ليس لك به علم إن السمع والبصر والفؤاد كل أولئك كان عنه مسئولا (36)
"And do not say / do at what you do not have science (science manqul). Actually hearing, sight and hearts that they will be asked / taken care of by God. "(Al-Isra ': 36). (See, Polnya Science Manqul, pp. 6 I/96).
Here, Islamic Jema'ah / LDII has changed / embellish the meaning of the verse. Pronunciation 'in paragraph ilmun it means is knowledge. But by the Islamic Jema'ah / LDII mean: science (the science manqul). Can we ask the question: Where did they get the additional meaning of "science manqul" it? From the hadith of the Prophet peace and blessings of Allaah be which one? Or, from the description which best friend?
Additional words and fabricated with no information from that just mananya to convict those who labor without science manqul, then go to hell. As stated in the text Polnya following Manqul Sciences,
With the science of worship manqul charitable person becomes valid, acceptable to God, be rewarded by God, entered heaven. But without manqul or religious charitable ra'yi unauthorized person, not accepted by God, not even included rewarded based on the proposition of hell,
ولا تقف ما ليس لك به علم إن السمع والبصر والفؤاد كل أولئك كان عنه مسئولا (36)
"And follow not that which ye have no knowledge about it. Actually hearing, sight and hearts, all that will be questioned. "(Al-Isra: 36) which was distorted like that. (See Polnya Science Manqul, pp. 5-6 I/96).
So brave Muslims Jama'ah. Not just equal the courage of the Jewish heretic who dared to justify the illegitimate and forbid the halal, but Islam jama'ah / LDII dare set in heaven and to hell with the words of their own homemade sandwich meaning of the verse of the Qur'an.
Further objections
That evidence lies manqul theory and practice of Islam homemade Jama'ah / LDII. Next, let us track the science, whether it actually manqul.
In the science of usul fiqh there are propositions' aqli (sense) and the proposition naqli (dinukil / quoted from the verse or hadith).
The word "manqul" from naqala yanqulu naqlan fahuwa naaqilun wa dzaaka manquulun. Harfiyahnya meaning Manquulun it is transferred, dinukil, quoted. Evidence taken from the Qur'an and Hadith that Al-manqul name, means dinukil from the Qur'an or Hadith. So it's not like they (LDII) understood.
Meanwhile, to understand the verse or hadith manqul (quoted), it is necessary to find the correct interpretation. Regarding the correct interpretation that Ibn Katheer said: If anyone asks, the best way in which science Interpretation? The answer is: Truly the best way of Tafsir Al-Quran is interpreted by paragraph. The mujmal (global / outline) in a single paragraph will be detailed in another verse. If not quite clear, then the Sunnah or Hadith, because the Sunnah is the explanation of the Qur'an, such as the word of God,
وما أنزلنا عليك الكتاب إلا لتبين لهم الذي اختلفوا فيه وهدى ورحمة لقوم يؤمنون (64)
"And We sent not down to you the Book (the Qur'an), but so that you can explain to them what their differences, and a guidance and mercy for those who believe." (An-Nahl: 64).
And the word of the Prophet peace and blessings of Allaah be,
ألا إنى أوتيت القرآن ومثله معه
"You know I was given the Qur'an and similar with him, ie As-Sunnah Al-Muthahharah. (Narrated by Abu Dawood)
In conclusion, look for the Qur'an Tafsir of the Qur'an. If not found, then from the Sunnah. If we do not encounter too, then we return to the words of the friends of the Prophet peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, that's because they know more about these verses.
From here, Nurhasan teaching manqul Ubaidah / Islam Jama'ah / LDII was very different, very distorted and even false and misleading, whereas the same theses.
Example Lies Manqul
Example manqul according Nurhasan taught Ubaidah jama'ahnya (Islamic Jema'ah today called LDII) as told by Hashim Rifa'i who studied the Ubaidah for 17 years: In surah Al-Isra 'verse 71,
يوم ندعوا كل أناس بإمامهم فمن أوتي كتابه بيمينه فأولئك يقرءون كتابهم ولا يظلمون فتيلا (71)
Verse translation is: "(Remember) a day (which in that day) We call each race with the leader, and whoever is given the book of deeds in his right hand, then they will be reading his book, and they were not persecuted at all." ( Al-Isra ': 71).
According to the interpretation manqul H. Ubaidah; On the day we call each person by their priests (that is with Amir them), so that does not have the Amir then go to hell.
And if we revert to the interpretation of authentic / genuine, meaning priest, the first meaning: Al-Kitab or book Lauh Mahfudh (charity record), in accordance with the letter Yasin verse 12,
وكل شيء أحصيناه في إمام مبين (12)
"And all things have We taken account in a clear Book (Lauh Mahfuzh)." (Yasin: 12)
Then let us consider the sound of the next paragraph: (Al-Isra ': 71)
فمن أوتي كتابه بيمينه فأولئك يقرءون كتابهم ولا يظلمون فتيلا (71)
"And those who were given books of deeds in his right hand, then they are going to read his book, and not abused at all."
In the hadith al-Bukhari and Muslim are explained, every people will be brought on the Day of Resurrection with the prophet / messenger respectively.
128 حديث ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما: عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال عرضت علي الأمم فرأيت النبي ومعه الرهيط والنبي ومعه الرجل والرجلان والنبي ليس معه أحد إذ رفع لي سواد عظيم فظننت أنهم أمتي فقيل لي هذا موسى صلى الله عليه وسلم وقومه ولكن انظر إلى الأفق فنظرت فإذا سواد عظيم فقيل لي انظر إلى الأفق الآخر فإذا سواد عظيم فقيل لي هذه أمتك ومعهم سبعون ألفا يدخلون الجنة بغير حساب ولا عذاب ثم نهض فدخل منزله فخاض الناس في أولئك الذين يدخلون الجنة بغير حساب ولا عذاب فقال بعضهم فلعلهم الذين صحبوا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وقال بعضهم فلعلهم الذين ولدوا في الإسلام ولم يشركوا بالله وذكروا أشياء فخرج عليهم رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فقال ما الذي تخوضون فيه فأخبروه فقال هم الذين لا يرقون ولا يسترقون ولا يتطيرون وعلى ربهم يتوكلون فقام عكاشة بن محصن فقال ادع الله أن يجعلني منهم فقال أنت منهم ثم قام رجل آخر فقال ادع الله أن يجعلني منهم فقال سبقك بها عكاشة *
"Showed me (Muhammad) among the generations before me. There was a prophet came followed a few people between three to nine. There followed one person, two people, and there is also a three people. There's even a prophet who came alone without a single follower. Suddenly showed me a large group. I think they are my people. All of a sudden say, they are Moses and his people. Then showed me, a larger group again, and say look there is on the horizon, look at the horizon there, look at the horizon there, all full, and said to me, they are your people. Of them will enter Paradise without reckoning 70,000 people, and no punishment at all. Then after the Companions asked, who they are ya Rasulallah? He replied, they are people who do not ask suwuk (ruqyah / spell) and not bertathoyyur (consider the voices of birds, etc. as bad addresses, etc.), and not treated with kei (jos with hot iron). Then 'Ukasyah bin Mishan stood waving a blanket. Yes Rasulallah, berdo'alah to God, that He may make me among those groups. And he answered: Yes, you enter their class. Then stand next person, saying that way too, and he answered, 'Ukasyah been ahead of him. "(Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim).
From the hadith is clear that every people on the Day of Resurrection came with priests, or prophets of each and do not deny they come with a book of his credit records each. While H. Ubaidah interpreted by other commentators, the amir, not a prophet, so that his men always obey him, that is keamirannya. When there are not obedient, he does not diaku as his men, and declared the Day of Resurrection does not have a priest, and feared by the hadith mauquf (not to the Prophet peace and blessings of Allaah be) of 'Umar ibn Khatthab,
"Laa jamaa'ah bil Islaama illa, illa bil jamaa'ata wala imaarah, imaarata wala bil bai'ah illa, illa bit bai'ata wala thaa'ah" (according to their history of Ahmad). It means, "There is no Islam except with jama'ah, and no jama'ah, except with the emir, and no exception with bai'at emir, and nothing except the obedient bai'at."
Then by him (Ubaidah) described the reverse reads:
If you do not obey the emir, the bai'atnya off, if off bai'atnya, then no amir. If you do not have the amir, it is not jama'ah. If not jama'ah, it is not Islam. If not Islam, then what is it, if not pagan.
To the point, if they gave an explanation of the importance of jama'ah they say: "Ladies and gentlemen, if among you there are no thoughts, there is a suspicion that our outside (outside jama'ah Ubaidah) there is will go to heaven without joining us, so before standing, you've faroqol jama'ah (already separated from jama'ah) are infidels, he has to repent and return bai'at. If not, then he will go to hell forever. "
That evidence lies a very powerful, so mengkafirkan all, just based on fabricated and strengthened manqul with mauquf hadeeth of 'Umar. And it mauquf hadith can not be a basis, but by the Islamic priests Jama'ah / LDII precisely to determine whether a person infidel.
Example lie Again:
He (Ubaidah) jama'ahnya scare, if not obey the amir just one rule, then he go to hell forever, according to Taha letter paragraph 74,
إنه من يأت ربه مجرما فإن له جهنم لا يموت فيها ولا يحيا (74)
"Indeed whoever comes to his Lord as a sinner, verily for him is Hell, he did not die in it is not (too) live in Hell. (Taha: 74)
Ubaidah Nurhasan interpretation by linking the amir in paragraph clearly the wrong interpretation. For the next paragraph explained,
ومن يأته مؤمنا قد عمل الصالحات فأولئك لهم الدرجات العلا (75)
"And whoever comes to Him in faith, it has been doing a good deed more pious, they are the ones who get places higher." (Taha: 75)
Based on the proposition that, mujriman is the opposite of mu'minan. Mujriman it means is people who die disbelievers, polytheists, or Munafiq. Because the only people who die disbelievers, polytheists, or alone Munafiq would go to hell forever, and do not live and not die in it. Based on a hadith narrated by Imam Muslim in the book intercede:
The denizens of Hell that they are citizens of hell (infidels, polytheists, Munafiq) they do not live and not die in it (see al-Bayyinah: 6, also An-Nisa ': 145).
As for those who go to hell for their sins, they really shut down in hell, so when they have become charcoal, then diizinkanlah intercede for them. So they issued from hell, group after group, and then spread on the rivers of paradise, then ordered the people of Paradise, guyurlah them with water, then they grow into men who like the yellow bean sprouts (toge) that grows in the mud flood, then they are included into heaven. (Please refer to Tafseer Ibn Katheer Al-Ala, (yamuutu feeha thumma wala laa yahyaa).
Other examples Again, the Playing Rules Ubaidah Religion played.
For example, a call instruction at 9. For instance, a follower came 10 hours, then he should repent. In the sense used an affidavit repent repentance, with 4 conditions:
1. Admitted his guilt, has not obey the amir.
2. Feeling sorry, kapok, will not be repeated again.
3. Sorry and seek forgiveness reading.
4. Able to fulfill kafarah (fines) are determined by the Amir. Kafarah Example: suppose infaq specified, or told to do anything that was ordered by the Amir, had ever even asked ambyur in many tainya pond.
For example, Mr. Nasifan (followers of Islam Jama'ah, have now come out and be a mosque imam in Surabaya) once told ambyur / dive and dive into the water tai. Also, Drs. Nur Hasyim punished with ambyur sent to the pool floor, with a jacket-jacket. Case, Nur Hasyim going to Mecca with Ahmad Subroto wish to ask the teachers in Mecca, is it true (sahkah) emirates H. Ubaidah Nurhasan it. Then Nur Hasyim declared false, because the ugly prejudice to Amirnya, then told to repent and be punished to the water ambyur tai.
My own (Hashim said Rifa'i) had an invitation to attend lectures at 8, but 15 minutes late. Then I was sentenced communal work. Which should have been done at 4 pm, then had to work 11-hour service until the evening. Among them, hauling sand, red rock, mixing materials and so on. That kafarahnya (ransom) in the next repentance statement.
I think, really very similar to those Catholics who make pardons, to arise berprotes people, to be Protestant.
Kafarah according to the Qur'an and Al-Hadith is a good deed or charity sholeh. Among them: Sadaqah, as in the letter of At-Tauba: 103. Also fasting, prayer, Zakat, Jihad and others such as the Ash-Shaf: 10-13. Also in the hadith the Prophet peace and blessings of Allaah be,
فتنة الرجل فى أهله وماله وجاره تكفرها الصلاة والصيام والصدقة
"Sin someone in his family, his property, and neighbors abolished by prayer, fasting, and Sadaqah. (Reported by al-Bukhari, Chapter Fasting ).---
So, in Islam there is no kafarah the form of torture or forced labor. But it was imposed on the Islamic Jema'ah LDII now called it.
In conclusion, teaching Ubaidah manqul this model is to tie up his men for not learning to others. Because if other people learn to be found out spots and lies.
1. Manqul teachings created Nurhasan Ubaidah basically does not exist, and only slipped by translation of the hadith, bighairi pronunciation 'which means ilmin without science, and then given additional in brackets the words' without manqul'. Similarly pronunciation hadeeth "bira'yihi" which means "with his opinion", then added in brackets 'without manqul'.
2. Manqul term only illusory were then used as a tool to convict that was valid only taught Islam by Amir Islam Jama'ah / LDII now, being Muslim than they are teaching is not valid, then the people go to hell. So who will enter Paradise just one of those groups (Islamic Jema'ah / LDII).
3. Manqul term without a strong foundation is a means to distort the meaning of the verses, between the objective is to validate the doctrine, which is only valid from their Amir (Muslim jama'ah / LDII). So making the term itself manqul be a way to legitimize abuses meaning verses of the Qur'an at will Amir.
4. Manqul Doctrine and the circuit is triggered in a container Ubaidah Nurhasan changing the name of Darul Hadith, Islam Jama'ah, JPID, LEMKARI and last name LDII is just to deceive and ensnare his men so as not to learn to others. Because if you learn to others so they will get caught spots and lies extraordinary misguided. 1)
1 (. Prepared by the author with KH. Hasyim Rifa'i Jama'ah former Islamic preacher who came out of that cult after discovering their error error-real. He became the student of Islam founder Nurhasan Jema'ah Ubaidah today called LDII it for 17 years. Now KH. Hasyim Rifa'i so preachers Yayasan Al-Sofwa Jakarta, lived in Kediri, East Java .--
(Quoted from the book Jaiz Ahmad Hartono, flows and Got Wrong in Indonesia, Pustaka Al-Kautsar, Jakarta, 2002).

2 komentar:

  1. is the metode to teach alQur'an on the other country same? like Saudi Arab

  2. First, Manqul is a "Manqola" in Arabic language which is "Teacher teaching the student directly", even I, from kindergarten until master degree using that "Manqul", so what is the odd?.....
